Hello out there in blogsville! Today is Sept. 9, and no one has posted since the 5th! I'll catch you up on my piece of the Milburn world -
We had Carlie's wedding portrait pictures taken Saturday. I haven't seen them yet, but I think some of the best ones will from an old (1890) tabernacle that she had found on one of her real estate ventures WAY out in the country. There was an old cemetary adjacent to it that had several confederate flags posted by markers. I ventured out into the vast array of tombs to get a closer look, and behold, they were markers of folks who were alive during the Civil War! Being the history buff that I am (even tho I teach English), I was in cemetary heaven! - Until my scooter high-centered itself about 50 yards from the tabby! I
was stuck in the hot sun looking at a grave of someone I didn't even know! Of course, Garry had to come rescue me, and off I scooted back to the picture taking. I'll attach a picture of the historical marker - if I figure out how to do that. Well, that's all for this post. I'm saving other tales for future ones.
Blessings to all,
love the pictures! Wish I could make it to the wedding!!!
haha! That is too funny that I find out something about u through the blog! A cemetary is not a place I would want to high-center!
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